This project will digitize and present the works of two prominent artists in the development of modern art in Indonesia: Ahmad Sadali (1924-1987) and Haryadi Suadi (1939-2016). Their works represent the focus of Rahadiningtyas’ research on Islam and modern art in Indonesia as they show different reinterpretations of modernity and Islamic religiosity; her research re-evaluates the narrative of Indonesian modern art by locating the importance of Sadali and Suadi within the context of Indonesian modern Islamic art. This project aims to add to, and complement, existing collection strengths found at Cornell in the area of Indonesian modern art, in order to make its various trajectories accessible to researchers and a global audience. Art historians, historians, and students in area studies, as well as in Islamic studies, can make use of this collection to research, teach, and learn about Indonesian modern art and visual cultures; the circulation of Islamic images and objects in the global world; the history of the particular development of Islam in Indonesia; the influence and characteristics of Islam in Indonesia; and about Indonesia and Southeast Asia in general.
Bandung Artist Collection
Investigator: Anissa Rahadiningtyas, PhD Candidate, Art History
Arts & Sciences, 2019