Main Guidelines
- All posters must follow the Cornell University Postering Policy.
- All posters must bear the name of the sponsoring organization or individual.
- Please inquire at the corresponding help desks for posting.
- Posters displayed in violation of policy will be removed. Any damages will be charged to the individual or group responsible for them.
- These guidelines are for physical posters only. For digital signs, see our Olin and Uris Digital Sign Guidelines.
Locations for Cornell-Sponsored Posters and Fliers
The following libraries have designated boards for placement of Cornell-sponsored promotions:
Catherwood Library
- Two bulletin boards in the main reading room on the second floor.
Mann Library
- Three-sided kiosk in the front lobby.
Music Library
- One outside the library that is reserved for postings related to the library and music and dance events.
- Two in the audiovisual center that are primarily for promoting streaming resources.
Olin Library
- First floor by information desk.
Veterinary Library
- Small board on the back side of the circulation desk.
Locations for Community Boards
The following library locations are considered community boards not restricted to Cornell-sponsored events:
Mann Library
- Postering board on the first-floor.
Olin Library
- Lower level, by the restrooms
Uris Library
- Tower Lounge on the third floor.
- Restroom on the second floor, north-side
- Outside of the CIVIC classroom on the third floor.