Got an idea for a digital collection to spark scholarship at Cornell and beyond? Cornell University Library’s Grants Program for Digital Collections wants to hear from you.
Providing funding and digitization expertise, the grants program is calling for applications from Cornell faculty members and post-A Ph.D. students from all disciplines who are interested in creating online resources of enduring value for research and teaching.
Materials to be digitized range from photographs to journals, and they can belong to individuals or drawn from the collection of Cornell University Library and other institutions. Born-digital content can also be transformed into curated digital collections. Completed projects become part of Cornell University Library’s digital library, accessible to researchers everywhere.
Formerly known as the Grants Program for Digital Collections in Arts and Sciences, the library’s digitization grants program has been expanded this year to accept applications from scholars in all colleges and schools at Cornell.
“This change is simply to reflect the interdisciplinary nature of our campus and help continue to support collaboration in new ways,” said Tre Berney, director of digitization and conservation services at Cornell University Library. “We are excited to see how this change will be reflected in the proposals. We anticipate great ideas!”
The deadline to express initial interest is Oct. 1, 2022. Applications are due Oct. 31. Examples of past projects and more details are on the program website.