Our team offers a wealth of data that is publicly available.
Library Community Data
- Library-sponsored university-wide surveys
- Cornell University Library (CUL) assessment results
- CUL Data Dashboards and Excel Reports via Confluence (find Access Services, Annual Data Collection, Selectors and more)
- CUL statistical trends report
- CUL responses to ACRL, ARL and NCES surveys (national surveys)
- Contactless pickup dashboard
- Non-English and English monograph use
University- and Nation-Wide Data
Cornell University Institutional Research and Planning
- Measures and definitions (If not up to date, contact assessmentandplanning@cornell.edu or see CUL’s latest response.)
- CUL staff: We currently do not have a subscription to the full data. Contact assessmentandplanning@cornell.edu for information about access to the data.
- Published reports (access through the library catalog or contact assessmentandplanning@cornell.edu for assistance)
- ARL Statistics Survey Statisical Trends page
- Measures and definitions:
- For main survey, contact assessmentandplanning@cornell.edu, or see CUL’s latest response or published reports.
- For salary survey, contact assessmentandplanning@cornell.edu, or see published reports.
- ARL data interface (contact assessmentandplanning@cornell.edu for info)