Recent Student Projects

Explore examples of digital scholarship projects developed by Cornell students in recent years.

Digital Collections, Exhibits and Directories

Atlantic Seascapes Project

María Paula Corredor Acosta (History)

A digital archive of maritime history related to the Caribbean Sea during the Age of Revolutions

Periodical Poets

Charline Jao (Literatures in English)

Over 500 poems from 19th-century, Black-edited periodicals: Shedding light on literary trends, reading practices, and the role of poetry in abolition and protest.

See also: Charline Jao,  “We Think Them Worthy”: A Digital Collection of Poetry from New York’s Nineteenth Century Black Periodicals, American Periodicals 32(2), 2022.

Revisualize Archives

Victoria Baugh, (Literatures in English)

Visualizing Joy in 19th-century Black Studio Portraiture:
A digital collection of photographs for you to explore.

Venesporan Artists Project

Waleska Solórzano (Romance Studies)

A digital platform dedicated to artists of the Venezuelan diaspora